Dialect Support#

Below, you will see that for any preexisting feature, there are predefined locations in the code where it is straightforward to slot in the implementation required to introspect the data required to implement that “feature”.

That is to say, if foo dialect is missing some internal get_schemas API, required to use the Schemas feature, then a contributor need only implement get_schemas in order to enable that feature for the foo dialect.

Dialect Organization#

The library source intentionally separates the implementation of “support” (comparison/autogeneration) for a given database feature (i.e. Views, Grants, etc), from the dialect-specific definitions of those objects and specific queries for how to introspect them.

Generic feature implementation lives under src/sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions/<feature-name>/, where “” would be something like “view”, “grant”, or “role”.

The dialect-specific versions of any objects, schema definitions, and queries live under src/sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions/dialects/<dialect>/; where “” should correspond to the name of the sqlalchemy dialect (i.e. “postgresql”, “mysql”, etc)

Generic query.py#

If you first navigate to src/sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions/dialects/query.py, you will see a central listing of all exposed “generic” functions, which are dispatched to based on the features that dialect implements.

Here’s an excerpt for example:

from sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions.dialects.mysql.query import (
from sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions.dialects.postgresql.query import (
from sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions.dialects.sqlite.query import (
from sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions.sqlalchemy import dialect_dispatch

check_schema_exists = dialect_dispatch(

check_table_exists = dialect_dispatch(

“Feature” implementations should only reference these functions, which will in turn, dispatch to the dialect-specific versions, based on the current connection’s dialect.

If a given function is missing a dispatch target for a given dialect, it will raise an error and say so at runtime. Effectively, lack of dispatch implementations imply lack of support for a given “feature” generally.

For contributors, this means encountering one such error for a dialect leaves a very specifically shaped contribution point for you to add support for preexisting features!

Within that folder, the general pattern is thus:


Dialect-specific query.py#

Given that i.e. postgresql.query.get_schemas_postgresql is directly referenced within the generic query.py, the dialect-specific query.py is the next obvious place to look.

Lets look at what this might look like for Postgres:

from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection

from sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions.dialects.postgresql.schema import schemas_query
from sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions.schema.base import Schema

def get_schemas_postgresql(connection: Connection):
    return {Schema(schema) for schema, *_ in connection.execute(schemas_query).fetchall()}

Essentially, the job of each dispatch function is to produce the given kind of object being referenced by the dispatch function, in this case a List[Schema].


Schema is a very simple case, without any dialect specific variants.

For something more complex, such as a “view” or a “grant”, you would instead produce dialect-specific variants.

If that dialect-specific variant does not exist, then it would be a prerequisite for implementing that feature to the fullest extent.

Dialect-specific schema.py#

Above, you’ll notice schemas_query being referenced from the schema.py module, rather than the query being directly embedded in the function. While this isn’t strictly necessary, it helps decouple the “business logic” of these functions from the queries required to introspect the data in the first place.

Additionally it assists in reference-table reuse, for example with databases like Postgres, who’s queries frequently reference tables like pg_class/pg_namespace in the implementations of many of the features.

Continuing the previous example, Postgres’ schema.py might look like

from sqlalchemy import column, table
from sqlalchemy_declarative_extensions.sqlalchemy import select

pg_namespace = table(

schemas_query = (
    .where(column != "information_schema")
    .where(pg_namespace.c.nspname != "public")

We use SQLAlechemy’s lightweight table/column syntax for describing the minimal set of columns we need on each pg_ (in Postgres’ case) table, in order to describe each required query.

Helpfully, this also allows us to use bindparam for certain functions which need to parametrize the query being performed.


For a simple feature like schemas, yes!(?) The current implementation of Schemas/Schema support only references the get_schemas dispatcher, so some net-new dialect would be done at this point, in order to implement that feature for this library.

As mentioned above, features like “view”, “grant”, “role”, etc (most other features to be honest) are more complex and frequetntly require more specialized dialect-specific versions of the generic type in order to function against that dialect.

However even then, describing the domain-object as a “comparable” dataclass is most of the battle. Once you have a type that can be compared with other types of the same dialect (and which knows how to produce dialect-appropriate SQL), most of the existing machinery for the above features will kick in and support should be automatic.

New “features”#

Adding new features are whole separate thing…left mostly undocumented for now. Referencing the existing features’ implementions is probably the best way to go about adding a new “feature”.